UPDATE: July 24, 2023 - PLEASE NOTE: We have now transitioned to our new software, Luminello. This is a significant change in the way we interact with our patients as far as billing/making payments and for some of our providers, setting appointments.
We will now use your portal account to charge your credit card at the time of each appointment.
If you haven't set up your portal already, ask your clinician for an e-mail invitation from Luminello to create your patient portal account and then set up your portal account and enter your credit card information. PayPal is a BACKUP ONLY.
Your portal is also where you will go to download and print receipts/superbills for any charges starting 6/16/2023.
Please discuss any questions with your provider. You will receive email billing notices from Luminello to use them to file for insurance or tax purposes.
We are no longer using the "Blue Bills."
Our old software, Wisdom, will be deactivated by them in December. If you need a printout for transactions prior to 6/16/2023 call the office before December and request one.